Why would a guy stare at you a lot?

If you caught a guy staring at you more than once or twice, and you just lost count at how many times you caught him staring then here’s what it could mean!

How to get a shy guy to make a move in 5 steps?

If you took interest in a guy that seems a little reserved or shy then it may be worth checking this article to see what to do to make him make a move!

What attracts a younger woman to an older man?

If you find yourself wondering what younger women like about older men then here are a few possible reasons fro this type of attraction and no it’s not always about money!

10 signs that he wants you to notice him

If you see a guy doing everything in his power not to go unnoticed, maybe he wants to get your attention specifically! So how can you confirm this?

Why do you have the gut feeling that you’re meant to be?

If you have a gut feeling that you’re meant to be with someone then here are a few reasons why you might be feeling that way and what to do about it!

How to stop being a dry texter in 6 steps?

If you feel that you can be a dry texter or if others have complained about your texting in some way, then here are a few tips to help you change that!

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