5 reasons he gets defensive if you say how you feel

if your partner gets defensive whenever you try to tell them how you feel or talk about your feelings then here are a few reasons why they’re doing that!

What does “love is blind” mean?

We have all heard about how “love is blind” or how it can be, at least! So in this article we give a few explanations and examples that justify this idea.

5 traits of guys who need constant female attention

If you’re dealing with a guy who needs constant female attention then you might want to check this list out for other horrible traits he probably has!

Are you not getting any attention in a relationship?

If you feel that you’re not getting enough attention in a relationship then it’s time to check this step by step guide to fix things before it gets worse!

Does he have to lose you to realize your worth?

If you have been wondering whether a significant other or someone else in your life has to lose you to realise your worth then this article is for you!

5 reasons why you attract jealous friends a lot

If you find yourself attracting jealous friends and you wonder what the reasons might be for this then here’s a list of 5 possible reasons!

Why your girlfriend won’t talk about problems?

If your girlfriend doesn’t want to talk about problems or help you fix the relationship then check this article out to see what her reasons might be!

Can a letter to your spouse save your marriage?

If you’re considering writing a letter to your spouse and don’t know if it’s a good idea or if it can save your marriage then read this article first!

What to do if a guy keeps asking what you’re doing?

It can be frustrating when a guy keeps asking what you’re up to or what you’re doing, in this article we help you do something about it!

How often should I visit my parents after marriage?

Many couples argue and disagree on how often they should visit their parents after marriage so if that’s you then here is an article that will give you the answer!

Why saying hurtful things in a relationship is wrong!

If you find yourself or if your partner is saying hurtful things in the relationship during arguments and fights, then this article is for you!

Does your husband get angry, if you ask for help?

If your husband gets angry whenever you ask for help around the house then there may be more to it than what you think so read this article to understand his reasons!

5 benefits to gain when you marry your best friend

If you want to marry your best friend then here are 5 benefits that might come with that decision, we also tell you the only reason why you might want to re-consider.

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