How long should you know someone before dating?

If you met someone special and are wondering how long you should wait for before dating them or trying to make a move then here’s the answer!

How to manifest someone to miss you in 5 steps?

If you want to manifest someone to miss you sooner rather than later then; here are a few steps that will get you there in no time.

Does he need space or is it over? How can you tell?

If your significant other or a man you started seeing suddenly asks for a break from the relationship then here are signs that will help you determine his intentions.

5 possible reasons why you attract a lot of toxic people

If you noticed that you tend to attract toxic people often then here are a few possible causes that could be keeping you in this vicious cycle so read on and eliminate them all!

7 questions to ask a potential college roommate!

If you want to gauge whether someone is fit to be your roommate and if it’s a good idea to share a roof with them or not; then here are some questions to ask them!

Body language signs that someone shy likes you

If you’re questioning whether someone shy is interested in you or likes you and cannot be more direct about it then here are some signs that will confirm it!

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