If you’re wondering what turn-offs you could have that may ruin your chances at finding love without you even realising, then check out our list!
How to recognize a narcissist and deal with one?
Narcissism can be a big problem in society. Narcissistic people tend to have many negative personality traits which makes it important to know how to spot one!!
How to differentiate well-wishers from haters?
If you don’t know how to tell a well-wisher from someone who’s not to from a hater then we provide you with test here you can use and see for yourself!!
How to survive the first argument about in-laws!
if you don’t have the best in-laws known to the human race then that’s okay. we’ve got you covered and tell you why they may have wronged you and how to not kill your partner for it!
3 ways to say sorry without “saying” it
If you feel sorry and guilty for having wronged someone but saying “sorry” is not one of your strengths then we’ve got you covered!!
The 4 types of love and what each one means!
What are the 3 types of love that we now know of, which one is the strongest and how can having each one change your life dramatically ?
First date disasters and how to avoid having one?
Here we compiled a few horror first date stories and encounters of 3 of our readers. We also tell you how you can avoid having one yourself!
Should you take revenge on someone who hurt you?
Some people claim that taking revenge can be therapeutic while others say that there’s no need for spiteful acts. So which one is it for you ?
What is Micro-cheating and how to deal with it?
If you never heard of the therm “micro-cheating” then this may be an interesting topic for you. Read this and find out if your partner does it or if you do!
Why “testing” your partner’s loyalty is a bad idea!
Sometimes we may be tempted to test our love partner by sending someone to flirt with them or contacting them through a different social media account… but is it a good idea ?
3 most used excuses to end a relationship
You may not realise what the true meaning was behind the excuse that an ex or a partner had for ending things. But today we explain it all to you!!
5 tips to re-enter the dating scene after a divorce
If you’ve recently been divorced or had a big horrible and ugly breakup, then think about it no more we have few tips for you to move on quickly to the nest best thing and enjoy dating again!
3 reasons why your mother-in-law “hates your guts”
The mother-in-law is the quintessential villain of many movies. In reality many women would argue that this bad reputation didn’t come from thin air…